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Brisbane Music Teachers

Oliver Randall Scott

Oliver Randall Scott

Instruments and Services

Cello Lessons


Brisbane QLD

See below.


Oliver’s undergraduate studies were completed under the tutelage of Li Wei Qin whilst on full scholarship at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music in Singapore. Prior to this, he also gained two Australian Music Examinations Board diplomas (AMEB) – A.Mus.A (Distinction), and L.Mus.A (Award). His experience with the AMEB curriculum has equipped him with the necessary skills to assist students in undertaking graded exams, and in the past, his students have achieved great results. Equally passionate about music education as well as performance, Oliver receives much satisfaction and fulfilment from nurturing each student’s musical development. 

Oliver’s professional career as a cellist has involved performing with various professional orchestras throughout Australia, such as Queensland Symphony Orchestra, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Sydney Sinfonia, as well as internationally, with the Singapore Symphony Orchestra. He has also made numerous appearances as a concert soloist, particularly as a part of the Queensland Youth Orchestra’s international tour, throughout which he performed Saint-Sean’s Cello Concerto in several concert halls in Germany and France.

Aside from his work as a cellist, Oliver has also made other appearances as an orchestral conductor with ensembles such as the University of Queensland Symphony Orchestra and the Queensland Youth Orchestra. His involvement in orchestral conducting has afforded him the privilege of obtaining greater insight into music theory and history, about which he is also passionate.

Recently, Oliver has completed a Master Degree in Orchestral & Ensemble Conducting at the University of Adelaide under Prof. Luke Dollman. The program is unique in that it involved conducting the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra numerous times througho
ut the year. Upon finishing his studies there, Oliver hopes to continue making more appearances as a conductor as well as a performer, both locally and beyond.

Teaching Info

Piano lessons and accompaniment rehearsals are held at Kalika and Oliver’s home studio.

Lesson rates: $70 per hour, or $35 per half hour.

Piano accompaniment rates: $90 per hour. 

The waiting and travel time of the accompanist, as well as the exam time are also accounted for in the total cost. 

The following jobs will only be accepted based on the amount of notice given, with the sheet music being required immediately:

Grades 1-3 – one week, with a minimum of one rehearsal prior to exam/performance day.

Grades 4-6 – two weeks, with a minimum of one rehearsal prior to exam/performance day. 

Grades 7-8 – 1 month, with a minimum of two rehearsals prior to exam/performance day.
AMusA – 2-3 months, with a minimum of three rehearsals prior to exam/performance day. 

LMusA – 3 months, with a minimum of three rehearsals prior to exam/performance day. 

General Conditions of Service:

  • no free trial lessons

  • 24 hours’ notice required when booking a lesson or rehearsal for the corresponding day

  • payments must be made in advance before the start of each lesson or rehearsal.

  • before a lesson, lesson term, or rehearsal slot is booked, T&Cs must be signed.

  • afterward a trial lesson, only term payment instalments are permitted. 

  • students must bring their own stationery

  • students must supply their own sheet music

  • no refunds

  • makeups will only be given if a rebooking is made within 12 hours of a cancellation, and at a suitable timeframe for the teacher/accompanist 

"We have been very pleased with the progress that my son has made under the cello tutelage of Oliver Scott. Oliver has been a great inspiration to him, and has motivated him to reach his potential as a cellist. Within a year, he successfully completed his AMEB Grade 6 cello exam, and has also made immense progress in his school's strings ensemble. We couldn't have wished for more."
- Yit Nah, mother of Eugene, high school student.
Oliver Randall Scott

Contact Oliver Randall Scott

Brisbane QLD
0450 260 709

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